Monday, April 05, 2010


Ahh life sometimes just gets out of control and I don't write sorry bout that:) Today I rolled out of bed at the fresh time of 11:15 and loved it. I went to my 4th grade class for 2 hours. I hate it. My kids are great the teachers nice but I just don't like it. I did get to read aloud to them though so that made it a little more entertaining. I got home and was starving so I grabbed a lunch made up of PB & J and juice. I eat like a 5 year old. I was bored so I called Kelsey and told her to come up. I have homework but it's all group work and none of my group members were free today, frustrating. Anyways Kels came up and we wasted the day away like only we can. We ended up at our favorite place, the movie theater. We saw "The Last Song," and I must say for Nicholas Sparks it wasn't too bad. All these girly movies lately are cluttering my mind. Then we met Justin for dinner at El Toro. As much as he pretends to hate it, he loves eating with us, even if we do embarass him. Most shocking thing of the evening? I didn't watch the NCAA championship game. I haven't missed a televised game all tournament and I chose tonight to skip out. The girls were all out and I hadn't been to Encounter in a while so I chose to go to church. It was a good service and I needed it but after seeing the score of the game I'm a little sore I missed it. Oh well!

Carrie Out

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