Thursday, December 07, 2006

Remember how I was supposed to write a term paper last night? Hahah I do I went down to Ashley and Sherry's for what I thought was just a few minutes then the next time we checked it was 1 in the morning....oops. Good thing I wrote one of my papers during the day so I wasn't too far behind. Dinner last night was awesome though, Christmas feast, mmm steak:) Classes lately have been a little over the top. It just frustrates me that teachers pile on homework the last week in classes that haven't had any work all semester. They say we are behind but to me that seems to be there fault for having us do nothing all semester. I have successfully written three of my term papers. I only have one left to do but am doing a great job at putting it off. We drew basketball secret santa's this week so Ash and I went shopping. I got all my gifts and wrapped them all tonight so I am ready to go. Then we spent the rest of the night watching Friends cause it's awesome. We leave for Chicago tomorrow afternoon we'll play two games and be gone all weekend. It should be a lot of fun our group is just a little out of control when we get together. We were already told though that we have a mandatory study hour each day to prepare for finals. I don't study so it looks like I will sit and draw. There is no need to study this college is easier that high school and I get to use notes on two of my finals. Bed is calling me.

Carrie Out

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