Thursday, July 12, 2007

Visiting La Famila

I haven't written in about a week and to be honest I really can't tell you much of what has happened since yesterday. The week has blown by so fast I can't remember a lot of it. I umped my last game on Monday night, I did enjoy doing that this summer and it was easy money. I don't know what I am going to do with all these free evenings. Tuesday I went to play basketball there were only three of us there, we got a lot accomplished, haha, Not! Yesterday was a good day. The girls were good when I babysat, I am off for twelve days now. They went on a trip for the weekend and next week I am going to Tennessee for Christ in Youth Confrence with my church. This year I am a sponsor which means Free Trip, yahoo, I am hoping it will be a lot of fun. We leave Sunday morning and stay until the following Saturday. Last night I went to a memorial for Brian on his first birthday. It was very sweet and I liked remembering him, it was all and all a beautiful day and quick service. After that was over I came back to Grandma's for awhile she had to go to a church meeting though. So I left to get gas, well I broke my door handle while closing it so I went to Kip and Deanna's to see if they could help me fix it. We didn't even need Kip's help because Deanna and I are expert craftsman like that, haha. I really enjoyed visiting them I don't get to see them much and need to get in my mandatory make fun of Uncle Kip time, it's okay some where deep down inside he loves me:) When Grandma got back we ran to Pekin I needed to get things for my trip and we ate dinner then I came back and stayed at her house. This morning she said it was the first time I had ever stayed at her house...I don't believe her. I got up this morning and went to see Sam and Clayton. I watched Clay while Sam went to help set up for VBS. I really like going to see him he is so funny now and I love watching him crack himself up. Well I am getting ready to go to the Doctor for my sports physical so I better get off.

Carrie Out

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