Monday, August 24, 2009

I'm Back!!!

My summer hiatus has come to an end. I am now in a permanant place and always have computer access so my blogging should return to a pretty regular pace. I could get you caught up on my summer but I did too much and went to many places. I was busy and running all over and I loved every minute of it. Too bad my school year officially started over an hour ago. I miss my freedom already. As most of you know I am now the assistant youth minister at our church at home, I will keep that up throughout the school year working on Wednesdays and Sundays. I will also carry a full class schedule along with clincal hours spent in elementary schools. Along with that I am playing basketball and working a job here at school. It's looking like I am gonna be busy, but with me free time can be distracting and way too unproductive. Just pray I can keep it all under control! I am all moved in and mostly organized thanks to the Sondgeroths and the Rents. All that's left to do is hanging posters and putting away my desk stuff. I hate packing and unpacking so I'm glad I had lots of help. Today was pretty low key. I am sick which is an awesome way to start the school year. Nothing bad just allergies which warped into a cold, fun times. Went to church this morning then spent most of the afternoon sleeping. Mom and I did run to Goody's in Lincoln. I need nice clothes to wear in the schools so if anyone has any extra send 'em this way! The night was spent at High School youth, gearing our kids up for the year and doing some planning. I stopped by Troy and Beth's before coming back to school to hang and kick Troy's butt in Xbox games. I dominate him. Got back to town and dropped by my teammates house to say hey before bringing the rest of my stuff to my room. Biggest problem of the day? Parking. I cannot find a decent place to park my car. I drove around for 30 minutes and finally parked at the library and walked hopefully we can remedy this tomorrow but for now I should probably hit the hay.

Carrie Out

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