Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Library, my new friend

Is this week over yet? Seriously I am beyond ready to be done. Crazy thing is I haven't even taken a test yet. I guess it's just the preparation that is draining. I didn't get up until 11:15 today and I didn't feel bad about it I hadn't been sleeping well. Not good for a week of tests I needed to catch up. Went to work at 12 where I studied a little chemistry. Grabbed a quick lunch to go then met Holly Kelson in the library. That place has been beyond packed in the last 2 weeks. 4 floors and you're lucky to find one spare seat let alone a table. We were informed of a secret study room on the fourth floor in the tech lab by one of my teammates. Much to our luck it was free. We then proceeded to spend 2 hours going over each of our old tests and working problems on the board. Hopefully I can retain all that knowledge for tomorrow at 8 am. I calculated my grade and will end up with a C. I merely have to score over a 50% and I retain my grade. After studying I moved to a computer to research for my education paper. I think I got all the information I need now I just need to write it. Hopefully that happens tomorrow. Went to Justin's for dinner. Chicken breast, hashbrowns, garlic bread, and noodles, tasty. We watched a Garfield Christmas, another great one. Just for some more Holiday spirit I watched the Paula Dean cookie swap, I love Food Network. Studied some more then headed out. Much to my joy it had snowed again. I love snow, I don't love driving in it. The merest accumulation throws my boat into a spin. It's soo hard to drive, I think I need some back weight, or new tires. Now some more studying tomorrow is the big show.

Carrie Out

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