Wednesday, May 07, 2008

The End is Beginning

I keep getting a little sadder everyday, I am going to miss this place a lot. It has become a home and my friends like family. Got up this morning and took my psych final. It was hard, I haven't been in class and missed half the stuff on the exam. I only care that I do well enough to keep my A. I have gotten my final grades in all my other classes and I pulled out all A's. After my test I went to talk to Coach Wilson for a bit. Then it was off to lunch with Ashley. I spent the afternoon once again wandering. I sat and talked to Stoltzy, he is a great guy. I went to see Judy and Bridgett. I visited Mrs. Baldwinn. I ended up back in Coach Wilson's office to play with Ali after school. Ryan has been sick so he and Coach Thomas haven't been around I miss them. Dinner was next, it was alright. I talked to Jerred and he was so excited he got an A on his math final I helped him study for so he raised his overall grade to an A. After dinner we ended up playing basketball out on the courts. It was Chris, Stephens, Becker, and I and Neil and Dustin came out to hang. I dominated winning 3/4 games of 21. Then Jer came out to play and we owned a little 2-2 action even without him playing defense because of his knee. It was a lot of fun I love having people that will actually go out and play with me. A shower was needed then Ash, Kristi, and I went on a lovely walk. Then we got hungry so Ash and I went to Taco Bell. I ended up back here tonight hanging with Rhiannon, Carla, and Gina, it is their last night. I hate saying goodbyes especially knowing I won't be back next year.

Carrie Out

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