Thursday, May 29, 2008

I passed!

I am in the Finchum basement as we speak, I had to ump tonight and figured I might as well stay to save gas and sleep. The week has been busy. I have spent everyday babysitting and umpiring. I was supposed to go to Lincoln on Tuesday and play slow pitch and visit people but couldn't because it was rained out. At Wednesday night's game I was umping I got to see Mr. Grunder, his son was playing, so that was a pleasant suprise. I have spent many a nights this week lounging in the hot tub ahh relaxing. Darci had knee surgery again I went over to see her today and she is doing alright just drugged up, I remember that feeling. I umped little girls tonight it was a lot of fun, I love doing the little kids games they are more involved not so boring. Talked to Jerred tonight for a while I miss having him across the street for a laugh whenever I needed one. I passed my basic skills test by a lot so that was reliving to find out and it saved me a ton of money by not having to take it again. I was randomly in the Pantagraph today for going to IWU to play basketball, a picture and all. Kinda weird considering I had no idea but whatever. The weekend is to be spent in Lincoln with Chels and Nik so I am looking forward to that and for now I must go watch "Dan in Real Life".

Carrie Out

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