Saturday, May 23, 2009

U of I

Today was another tired day. I have poor sleeping habits. Got up and made it to the bus on time this morning. I cannot remember the ride, my friends said I fell asleep, my bad. We went to the U of I library,but specifically the childrens literature room. It was awesome! They are sent almost every book that is published every year in the field of children's lit and they just store them in this room. The library majors study them and do the reviews for lit magazines. It was neat to see all that is out there. I have come across so many books I would love to read, too many actually. Lately I have noticed I have a pretty strong addiction to reading books and listening to music, it's weird, or maybe I'm weird. For lunch we had Chipoltle it was tasty. The weather was once againg beautiful so the few minutes we spent walking downtown were enjoyed. Rode back then I ran errands all afternoon. I took back my broken bike lock, bought new sunglasses, and browsed. I dropped some clothes off at Goodwill and checked out their books. They had some books from the Sweet Pickles series I remember reading those all the time at Grandpa and Grandma's. I went to Plato's closet to check out some clothes, I was there for a while but didn't buy anything. Then I met Sarah for a bike ride today we made it all the way out to airport road. Who knew these trails were so cool...or long. Grabbed dinner then went to work. No one else showed up for my shift so that was helpful, not. The rest of the night I have chilled out I've been a little wound all week, I think I needed the relaxation.

Carrie Out

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