Wednesday, November 04, 2009


Something very important slipped my mind at blogging time yesterday. I have another new cousin! Garrett Edward as much as I love the name I feel like I may need to one up it with my own child's name so I can get in Grandma's will haha:) Anyways from what I've seen in pictures he's quite cute, what can I say my family makes cute kids. Woke up for my favorite part of the week, I love time spent in Kindergarten. Our kids were all kinds of wound up today it was adventurous. We had some cryers, a pants wetter, a puncher, and other mild mayhem. Still I enjoyed it, the good thing with kids that young is you can only be upset with them for a short time before they do something cute that makes you move on. Ate lunch in the cafeteria today it's nice to have an ID. I ate with Sean and the Solari's we sat and talked for a good hour it was nice. After lunch I loaded up my car in preparation for heading home after class. Class wasn't as boring as usual, not because I was listening but because I read Bill Bradley's book "Values of the Game." It was a interesting read and took the whole class period to finish, just what I was looking for. I ran to the gym when was class was done to get my mug shot taken for basketball. Then I loaded up and headed home...or rather to Springers. I spent an hour there chilling with Jodi and Trey, I didn't get to go last week I was in withdrawls. Trey was being fussy but when I left I was giving him fist bumps and he was cracking up, it was funny. Church was stressful but pulled off tonight. I was on my own Lys has the week off and most of my leaders were not there but somehow we managed. The night itself wasn't bad at all it was almost smooth it was the crazy prep that had me worried. I shall count it a success there were no major problems and all children survived. Went home and watched some SVU and loved it. If only the previews didn't always excited me so much for next weeks episode. Now I am back at school and should probably put away my laundry...maybe.

Carrie Out

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