Sunday, November 08, 2009


Weekends just get away from me around here. Friday night we went to Chicago and played DePaul in an exhibition game. The are 17th in the Nation for D1 schools it wasn't pretty. We didn't play well and they are about twice our size all equaling bad. Coach wasn't happy with it and neither were we but we chalked it up to a neat experience. It is cool to play in a D1 gym shake hands with Doug Bruno and just get a glimpse of the big leagues. Made us all thirsty for games though and all of it the bus rides the meals out, it's time to play. Saturday started with practice. It was one hour of film and one hour on the floor. It was very intense but good. We accomplished a lot in one hour because Coach decided to stop being so soft and was actually getting on us. After practice we all showered up then went out to tailgate the football game. Brent and Justin came so I watched with them for awhile. We won and made it into the playoffs, woo hoo. Saturday night was spent hanging out with the team and Elyse and Jason who had come back to visit. I miss them so it was nice to spend time with them. Came home about 2am and was gone by 8:30am this morning. It has been a long day. Went to service and Sunday school and then we had a lunch. We had one of our final canidates for our associate pastor postion with us today along with his family. After lunch we listened to him preach then went back to reinterview him. I left at 2 because I had things to do but apparently the rest of the staff was there til 4, yuck. Left the church and headed to Pekin with Mom and Grandma to meet Garrett. I may be partial but my cousins have cute kids. I held him for a while he's so cute and tiny. We talked to Keith and Ash and were entertained by Ky as usual. We went to Kroger on the way home cause I needed some groceries. Then it was back to the church for me for youth group. I think it went well across the board tonight so that was nice. Went to Beth and Troy's and chatted for a bit then headed home to watch Brother's and Sister's with Mom. Now I am back at school and my eyes burn they are so tired so bed it is.

Carrie Out

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