Wednesday, November 18, 2009


Ahh nothing like waiting til the last minute to finish tomorrows homework. But fret not it is complete! Started the day off right with a little Kindergarten. Walked into utter chaos. Our day was out of sync because of Jr. Achievement or something. Changes of plans are hard for Kindergartners to settle into. We managed though and I had an enjoyable time per the usual. I am only hoping to not get sick again, we had a room full of coughing kids. After teaching I met the Solari's and Sean for lunch and laughter. Not a good spread today, grilled cheese won out. Then I had to go to the registrars office. I was shut out of the May Term class I wanted, which wouldn't be a big deal except I need that class to graduate. It carries my last gen. ed. and May is the only space I have for the course. I had to fill out some petition paper work, all I can say is it better work. Next came the always pleasant journey of Old Man Rivers class, he was telling stories today. When class got out I loaded up and headed home for youth. Jodi and Trey went out to Virginia to visit so I went straight home. This meant I actually did some home work and got dinner, score. Youth went well tonight our Jr. Highers were a little chatty, but not bad. I really enjoy our kids. I didn't get home till late cause Lys was catching me up on board and staff meetings. It was good though meant I got to watch SVU commercial free, thanks DVR:) The episode was another good one but I feel as if they are all spectacular, ha. Showered then ran to Grandpa's to swap out cars, apparently Marky Mark needs new tires. Got here and jumped on the homework train and well now its time to jump off and into bed.

Carrie Out

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