Thursday, January 21, 2010

I love class]

Ahh the week has gotten away with me. Tuesday was a really really late night because of basketball but we won so I suppose it was worth it:) Wednesday was swallowed up with homework and shenanigans, it went by quickly. Today is my least favorite day of the week. I actually got adequate sleep last night first time in awhile. Woke up and skied to class careful not to fall. We spent the morning discussing proper reading and writing tactics then watched some boring video from what seemed to be the 1980's. High points of class: We got snacks (trail mix) and I practice my left handed and backwards writing skills instead of watching the video. Lunch break was not very appetizing today but I went to the cafeteria anyways. I checked my mail before heading back to class and one more textbook came, I am still waiting on quite a few. Class number two was stock full of presentations. 8 different learning disorders in 3 hours of the joys. Actually they weren't too bad people did a good job of keeping the class engaged and entertained. Cam and I did a presentation on AD/HD the teacher thought it was fitting. I didn't complain we did little research I already knew all the stuff about it. After class I had 2 hours till dinner and returning to class. I swiftly jumped aboard the homework train. One paper and one reading later it was dinner time, which again disappointed. Class was short today less than 2 hours but still confusing. I am hoping to catch on sometime soon. Went to the girls house to chill out for a bit and watch bad tv. I have to work at 8 am I am hoping not to fall on the ice.

Carrie Out

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