Tuesday, October 20, 2009


I am so relieved right now it isn't even funny. It has been another non-stop day but I have accomplished a lot. Started the morning out at the glorious time of 5:30am. You know morning practice wasn't even that bad. We actually accomplished a lot and managed to laugh and have an okay time as well. After practice I showered away my scum and opted for a little pre-class nap, delightful. In science class we played Old Maid with the 3 forms of water, fun stuff. We were looking at statewide nature curriculum so we got to do some of the activities. Our teacher brought a stuffed otter and she let me play with it, score! After class I met with my advisor to go over my intent to student teach. She thought it looked really good and told me to go ahead and turn it in, so I did ha. Off to work where I actually worked on my paper, well a little bit. I did some reading so I could write my paper. Grabbed lunch at Tommy's they make a mean buffalo chicken wrap. Back to class. In math we are studying fractions. We have actually learned a really neat way to multiply and divide them using models and it even makes sense. Post class I ran to my room grabbed my laptop and headed to the library. I place my self on Ames arrest in an attempt to write my 8 page history paper. At 5:30 I took a break for dinner and went to Justin's for some yummy roast and potatoes. I got back around 6:15 and wrote on. By 8 it was time for another break so I went and meal exchanged for some snacks before getting back at it. By 9:30 my paper was complete, footnotes, formatting, and bibliography. It probably would have taken less time if my teammates weren't always in the library but they were a welcome distraction. Anyways being done is great great great. I then decided in celebration that I desperately needed to clean up my room...so I did. I can now see my floor, my desk, and my chair, two laundry baskets all my books and papers later. But my room feels so much better now. Now I shall attempt to sleep!

Carrie Out

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