Today was an okay day. I spent the morning doing homework and catching up on laundry. This evening I went to Bloomington with my family for dinner and shopping. But something important happend today. Jim and Amy had their baby, Sawyer James Rennie. When we got the news it was a little bittersweet, I had tears in my eyes. I am so happy that he is here and he is alive but I also know the rough road he has ahead of him. So far everything is going good he is responding well and looking healthy and this is great news. I am relived that everything is looking good and that the Doctors really think he is doing well. The outlook is very bright which is encouraging news. Even though I worry a little bit, for some reason, I have and have had since the beginning this overwhelming feeling that he is going to be okay, everything is going to be okay. Still if you could keep Sawyer and the family in your prayers it would be greatly appreciated, he is going to need a lot of stregnth. I am content knowing that he is in God's care and that his will will be done, regardless of what we can and can't do for Sawyer. All we need to do is love him and pray for him, he is in God's hands. I pray for the day that we can hold him and watch him grow. That we can see his smile and hear his laugh. That we can watch him run and play and listen to him talk. I pray that Jim and Amy find the strength they need to get through this and that we can be supportive and encouraging. There may be bumps in the road but they will all seem worth it on the day that they can finally take him home where he belongs. "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11. Happy Birthday Sawyer, we love you.
Carrie Out
Saturday, March 31, 2007
I slept for ten hours last night and it was swell, I actually wasn't tired or stressed today. Classes were classes, dull and boring. I spent the afternoon hitting off the tee and doing some work on my swing with Coach Andrews and Kristi since our game got cancelled. Then I shot around in the gym for awhile, by myself and then with Ryan when Coach Thomas came in before his baseball practice. After that I was in Bridgett's office for quite a while with Ashley helping her come up with ideas for improvements and activities for next year. We got some stuff down but are now in charge of coming up with community service projects for our honors classes. Kristi, Brittany, Ashley and I went to the movies tonight in Bloomington and saw Meet the Robinson's it was actually quite enjoyable. I told Ashley on the way there I would run into at least five people I knew and I was right there were a few familiar faces. And just so everyone knows I was the chief navigator in charge of getting us everywhere and we never got lost. After the movie we went to Culver's for some food and sat around and talked. Well our game for tomorrow is already cancelled but I might go with Gator to Springfield tomorrow to watch Matty play if he still has a game...probably not with this waterfall we got going on right now.
Carrie Out
Carrie Out
Thursday, March 29, 2007
I am tired this shouldn't be long. Classes or what I went to of them went fine today, I was dead tired but dragged through. I talked out some more softball drama from what happend last nigh with Coach Wilson this morning so that was reliving. We got out of class today at eleven for lunch and the bus left for Springfield at 12. Kelsey stopped by really quick before the game to say hi because we practically play in her backyard. She had to leave because she also had a game. We won both of ours tonight pretty easily which was nice. I struggled with the bat, the slower the pitchers the worse I hit, still I didn't do to bad. I am now the Center Fielder which is okay with me I was pretty much in charge anyways so its no big change. I got hit the left shoulder with a ball pretty hard though sliding into home. My arm went numb for awhile but I have got feeling again just some stiffness and a nice red bruise, hopefully I can move it tomorrow. Well I am sleepy so I am going to bed right now, 10:00, with two assignments done and one half way so I guess that will have to do.
Carrie Out
Carrie Out
Ohh it has been a LONG day. Math class is killing me I cannot focus and as a result my grade is dropping every week, I still have an A but a low one and it is dwindling. My English teacher made me mad he thought it was funny to keep freezing our computers right in the middle of us doing things. In result I would lose my spot in my paper and forget what I was doing. He kept saying he wouldn't do it again but he did I got mad packed up my books and left. Coach Thomas class is what got me through the day today. He talked to me about how frustrated I am with softball right now and just helped me sort out some problems. Then I took around some new recruits for next year with the other basketball girls, I kinda enjoyed doing this. Well I was still holding some inner rage so I went to the gym and shot for an hour before practice. Practice made me mad people who aren't playing well don't practice hard. I talked to Coach after practice just to vent some of my frustration with what's going on. He told me not everyone thinks like I do as in what is right and wrong and I have to continue to step up and set the example on and off the field. I am trying my best but I just don't feel like I am getting through. Well I was still frustrated so I decided to run off my rage I just took off and I felt suprisingly better when I was done. Then I went and sat with Ashley to vent off the last of my anger. Ryan saw us outside and came to see us, I love how just seeing him makes me happy. He sat with me for awhile and was making me laugh. Well he must have sensed I was upset because after he left Coach Thomas came over and asked if I was okay because Ryan thought I was mad. Those two can make me laugh even when I don't want to and I love them for that. Well after that I was finally feeling angerless and enjoying it. That lasted up until 11:30 when yet another team meeting was called these just make me sooo mad and they are annoying. I hate how people can dish and dish and dish but never take, grow up. Urgh..most of us freshman never even open our mouths because we are afraid that once we start we aren't gonna be able to stop and we are gonna make a lot of sophomores mad. I pretty much just sat there and listened to all their lies and crap, fun times. Oh well there is nothing I can do about it and I am done worrying about what they do, I just need to look out for myself. Just a thought: My cousin Amy was put into the hospital with some serious pregnancy problems today, she is on bed rest, and hoping for more weeks of pregnancy to help ensure the health of her baby boy Sawyer. So if you could just keep her and the family in your prayers it would be greatly appreciated.
Carrie Out
Carrie Out
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Today went okay this afternoon was the interesting part. We played Parkland today, I was really excited and ready to play. It was nice to see all my friends on the team and the weather was beautiful. The game was not as beautiful not at all. We lost 11-1 and 7-0 and both were ugly. Most of our infield cannot make a solid play to save their lives. It is just so frustrating I have never lost a game by ten runs in my life. I know we have the ability but Coach isn't putting people in the right places to get the job done. I played left and center and played well, actually could throw the ball, and went 3-5. It just bothers me in way different then everyone else. I sat out my senior year, frustrated because I knew I had the ability to play but I couldn't use it because of surgery, and the team played well. Well this year I worked really hard to get my arm ready and am playing well but my team isn't. I don't know this just seems unfair to me but its life and I realize this. Its just a rough adjustment going from a softball school that's all. Its also hard to watch my teamates and friends play for other teams, I missed out on so much because of my injury there are times I just want them back to play with. I caught myself a couple times today almost cheering for them up to bat and everytime I got on base I talked to them. I actually called them after the game just to hash somethings out, it was nice to catch up. I have gotten to the point with my team that I am no longer playing the role of the freshman but I am stepping up as the leader I just don't think some of them know what its like to win and I am tired of it. A nice part of the game: I pretty much had my own little cheering section. Mom, Grandma, Grandpa, Freddie, Jay, Amber and the Girls, Coach Wilson and Ali, Coach Thomas and Ryan, Ashley, some other kids from school and even my friends parents from the other team. It just feels nice to be supported, for once in softball people come to see me I am no longer the "other" one like I was in highschool.
Carrie Out
Carrie Out
Monday, March 26, 2007
It was soo nice out today and then it had to go and monsoon tonight. Rain better not cancel my game tomorrow, I want to play Parkland, which means Jessie and Lindsay are coming. I went to weights for basketball this morning to work out my legs, I was one of three that showed up. Wow great dedication team. Classes today went pretty smooth I took a math test, wrote a paper, and learned about Annie Leibovitz. I spent weights class talking to Coach Thomas he kept trying to hook me up with this weird kid in our class who used to stalk me, big dork. Our pitchers passed their drug tests today I really don't know how drinking all of that water must have cleansed their systems because I know for a fact that they weren't innocent. Practice went alright it was just nice to be outside, minus the fact that someone pooped on everybase marker on our field. I got the delightful duty of shoveling it and throwing it away, fun fun. Good news though my shirt that I accidently threw on top of the dugout last week came down and was sitting in the dug out good luck for me. After dinner Ashley and I went on a long walk, I hadn't done that in awhile so I really enjoyed it. Then we ran into Coach Thomas again and he asked us to go sit in the gym with him while he threw batting practice to Ryan. They miss us which is okay because I miss them a lot too. It was nice to actually just spend some time with them today. Well after playing a little basketball when they left I went to Culvers with Cassie, Nicole, and some Hartem kids for ice cream, it was fun and man did it taste good. Rain Rain Go Away!
Carrie Out
Carrie Out
Sunday, March 25, 2007
Man I slept good last night, apparently ten hours of bus riding wears you out good. I don't care the sleeping was nice. Spent this morning cleaning up my disastorus space I call a room. I collected all my clothes I had thrown all over the floor and cleaned everywhere, it looks clean...for now. Then I read and highlighted all my research for my english paper which I am once again turning in unfinished, these things take time especially for those who are ADD like me. After that I went and watched the boys play baseball and talked to the Michelle and the Finchum family until Mom came to get me. We went to see Clayton today I was soo excited. It was great to finally just get to hold him. I just sat there for about an hour just watching him move around and looking at him. I find it funny how adults are always talking about how babies are always staring around and observing but whenever they are holding babies they are doing the exact same thing. Still I am just amazed by how perfect babies are and how much you love them just because they exsist. He is so cute and was awake almost the whole time just moving around and looking at things, he is one strong baby. It was nice to see Josh and Sam too, they make me laugh, and their dog kept sitting right onto me. We also stopped by Lynn and Richards to visit shortly and so I could bother Rich, he knows he loves me its okay:) Well when I came back here the night has been dedicated to homework and laundry I know exciting but that's life, I already had enough fun in my day just going to see my baby Clayton:)
Carrie Out
Carrie Out
Saturday, March 24, 2007
It's been a....well....interesting day. I only had one class this mornings all the others got cancelled so the morning was spent waiting for the next class to start only to get there and see that we weren't meeting. I spent my spare time talking to Coach Thomas and Wilson and playing with Ali since she only had a half day. Well here starts the interesting part. Our two sophomore pitchers got caught smoking pot last night they were turned in. Well now they are out, if they fail their drug tests indefinately, if they pass for a week or two. I know they did it and so does Coach but he is letting them wait until Monday to take the tests they are trying all sorts of things to "cleanse" their systems. Drugs and people who use them are stupid. Now we are pretty much stuck we have one able pitcher to throw four double headers in one week, this could be a problem. We had a chance to win confrence now I am not so sure. Mom, Dad, and Brent came down tonight to bring me my new batting gloves and go to dinner. It was nice we went shopping a little bit and I bought a pair of plaid shorts they are sweet. When we got back I went upstairs to my friends room which is full of people drinking, extremely drunk people annoy me. I then became babysitter, I already had to walk one of my friends back to her dorm because she started puking all over. I also had to take car keys from another and another one refuses to listen to me and won't walk back to her dorm because she wants to drink more. As of now she is sleeping in the lobby of a building she doesn't live in. It is 12 I have a 7 o'clock bus I am out and they are no longer my problem. Bring on a five hour bus ride and hopefully two wins against Shawnee.
Carrie Out
Carrie Out
Thursday, March 22, 2007
Stupid rain. Our game was cancelled today because of the light precipitation we recieved, argh makes me mad. In result we had nothing softball related not even practice, so some of us went to the Rec and worked out. My legs are now sore, sweet. Classes were pretty blah and boring today we didn't do much. I was struggling to pay attention especially because my coughing woke me up at 2 in the morning last night and kept me up until four, not fun. Good news baby Clayton got out of the hospital today, this makes me feel a lot better I don't like him being in there. Tonight since I was free Jay, Amber, and the girls came and got me for dinner and we met Kelsey at Bonanza. It was fun the girls were really wound up they blame this on us but I was simply sitting there, I did not cause the hyperness. After dinner we went to Wal-Mart this was an andventure but we enjoyed it and it was nice to hang out with them I hadn't seen the family in a long time, they missed me:) Well it is time for me to go read, I know DORK.
Carrie Out
Carrie Out
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
It was b-e-a-utiful out today here in ol' Lincoln Illinios, a little windy, but still delightful. Classes drug by this morning so slowly. I did get 32 extra credit points in English though since that is how many points my group scored in Jepardy we kicked every ones but the next closest group had a measly 7 points. Weak showing, we rule. We are now studying William Wegman in art class his Weimeraner work is really neat. Practice was once again short today but it was the first day of the season that we got on the field. Nothing beats the crunch of dirt under your cleats on a nice day. I stayed about half an hour after practice taking extra fly balls with the assistant Coach. I really don't know why, I just wasn't ready to go in yet and thought that a little extra work never hurt. I enjoyed myself and actually worked up a slight sweat, first time I have done that in softball practice here. After dinner we hung out outside every one on campus was outdoors it seemed like. I watched and played some double dutch with a bunch of the black girls it was a lot of fun and needless to say they are much better than me at that game. We were out for about two hours just enjoying the lovely day, by the time I got back inside it is safe to say I smelled. The rest of the night has been spent attempting to keep up on homework I got half of my weeks list of assignments done so progress was made. I am really hoping it doesn't rain tomorrow I want to play really bad, especially since it's against Kelsey.
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
I got to go see Clayton tonight, I was excited. I didn't get to hold him though because I am kind of sick and so is he. He has jaundice so he had to lay in this light thingy, he was not really enjoying it and cried the whole time he was in it, it was sad. He is really cute though and I think I fell in love again. He still has to stay in the hospital because he is sick, this upset Sam alot which was hard to see. Hopefully he gets out soon, if he is home this weekend we are going to go see him so we can hold him and love on him some more. I love my babies. Classes were fine today we really didn't do much especially in government. That is an honors course and all the kids in it are from around here well our teacher was amazed that none of us had ever been downtown Chicago or knew much about it so we spent the whole class period learning about Chicago, interesting. Practice was pretty short today, we were outside and it was nice out minus the wind. We are supposed to play at home Thursday hopefully the predicted rain doesn't ruin this. Friends is distracting me...Good show.
Carrie Out
Carrie Out
Monday, March 19, 2007
I am on the verge of losing my voice, my throat is killing me. I really don't know why. Today went alright it's never fun getting back into the swing of classes. I did not miss the learning or the homework I already was assisigned stuff in math and an art paper. Exciting news today (even if Mom did wake me up at 7:00 to tell me). Sam and Josh had their baby this morning, Clayton Alexander. I cannot wait to go see him, I saw pictures Kathy took and I am jealous that she has seen him already and I haven't:) We are going to see him tomorrow and I am very anxious have been since this morning, I can't wait to hold him. Practice was outside this afternoon it was really nice and we did a lot of nothing as usuall. Spent two and a half hours tonight in the cafeteria waiting in line to pick out housing for next year. I got the room and suite mate I wanted so I guess it was worth the wait. I spent most of it standing in line talking to my friend Andrew, who I thought was a sophomore, I am dumb, but I met a lot of kids that I didn't know were freshmen so that was alright. My phone went caput tonight it just up and died I don't like not having any way to get ahold of people or them to get ahold of me since my room phone doesn't work right. Maybe it will magically fix itself.
Carrie Out
Carrie Out
Sunday, March 18, 2007
I can't believe Spring Break is already over. South Carolina was a blast but flew by. Here is some random information about the trip:
~The bus ride there gave me a cold and I didn't sleep hardly at all maybe an hour
~We stayed in a hotel right on the beach, it was shabby, no hot water and dirty with a leaky ceiling which by the end of the week had started to cave in and break onto our floor, fun!
~We stayed right on the beach did I mention this? It was awesome being able to walk out the door right to the ocean
~The first two days it was cold but then it warmed up I rocked out the shorts and swimming suit and even got a slight sun tan/burn
~I didn't play at all the first game...I was mad....we lost....after that I started and played every game....we won them all...I'm just saying:) Still 7-1 is nice
~I hit decent and a stupid girl robbed me of a homerun
~We stayed up late laughing and messing around and got up every morning at 6:30, boo
~Everyone took lots of pictures which turned out good
~We walked through about half a bazillion stores the nicest ones were at Broadway at the Beach
~ I attempted to catch any and every animal I saw to no avil, for future reference seagulls and ducks fly when you run at them
~ We ate lots of food at places I have never heard of in my life but I survived
~ We saw about a million Shoneys, Waffle Houses, and Chick Fil-A, yet ate at none of them I am upset by this
~ I was threatend with a 175$ fine and arrest...for standing on a sidewalk at 12:45 at night, that's right I am a rebel
~ We didn't sleep hardly at all Thursday night in preparation for Friday's bus journey
~ I actually slept some on the way home, minus the nauseus feeling the bus was giving me and the cold it caused to return to me
~ I went home when we got back and just chilled it was nice but I am still sick
~ School starts tomorrow, nope not excited about this
Carrie Out
~The bus ride there gave me a cold and I didn't sleep hardly at all maybe an hour
~We stayed in a hotel right on the beach, it was shabby, no hot water and dirty with a leaky ceiling which by the end of the week had started to cave in and break onto our floor, fun!
~We stayed right on the beach did I mention this? It was awesome being able to walk out the door right to the ocean
~The first two days it was cold but then it warmed up I rocked out the shorts and swimming suit and even got a slight sun tan/burn
~I didn't play at all the first game...I was mad....we lost....after that I started and played every game....we won them all...I'm just saying:) Still 7-1 is nice
~I hit decent and a stupid girl robbed me of a homerun
~We stayed up late laughing and messing around and got up every morning at 6:30, boo
~Everyone took lots of pictures which turned out good
~We walked through about half a bazillion stores the nicest ones were at Broadway at the Beach
~ I attempted to catch any and every animal I saw to no avil, for future reference seagulls and ducks fly when you run at them
~ We ate lots of food at places I have never heard of in my life but I survived
~ We saw about a million Shoneys, Waffle Houses, and Chick Fil-A, yet ate at none of them I am upset by this
~ I was threatend with a 175$ fine and arrest...for standing on a sidewalk at 12:45 at night, that's right I am a rebel
~ We didn't sleep hardly at all Thursday night in preparation for Friday's bus journey
~ I actually slept some on the way home, minus the nauseus feeling the bus was giving me and the cold it caused to return to me
~ I went home when we got back and just chilled it was nice but I am still sick
~ School starts tomorrow, nope not excited about this
Carrie Out
Thursday, March 08, 2007
Who knows what I am doing. That has pretty much been the theme to my day. So I got up to go to class this morning and all I had to do was turn in a paper and leave, all that getting up for nothing. The afternoon was spent wandering in the beautiful spring air and doing busy work. I cashed some checks for traveling money, did some homework, and attempted to eat the nasty food the caf was serving. Hung out in Coach Wilson's office for some time this afternoon just talking and doing nothing I enjoyed myself. Then I talked Coach Andrews into letting us go outside for practice because the weather was delightful. It was nice to be out getting some fresh air and it was warm enough that my shoulder functioned which is always a blessing. When we were done I was on my way to the gym and Ryan was standing outside on the sidewalk, well he saw me so I had him for a little bit this evening. He wanted to go sit with us while we ate dinner so we let him, he wasn't supposed to eat anything before his dinner...the other basketball girls gave him icecream, bad influences. Then we played in the student center for awhile I miss hanging out with him. When his dad came to get me he was sad because he said he wouldn't see me for three weeks, when really it is only one he's confused, I love that little boy. The rest of the night I wandered around the dorm talking to my friends and hanging in different rooms, making the rounds, which was fun.I attempted to do some packing today, I got a whole suitcase full and need more room, I just don't know what to bring. I am kinda nervous about going tomorrow and getting to the point where I don't really want to go, I am sure it will be fine though once we get going. That 16 hour bus ride is going to be killer, we will be gone until next Saturday so this will probably be my last post for a while (unless I post tomorrow), I hope I have fun.
Carrie Out
Carrie Out
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
My day kinda flew by. For math all we did was play with a computer program and I only had english for about ten minutes. That left me with some free time which I spent in Coach Wilson and Coach Thomas' offices chilling with some of the other basketball girls. Weights class with Coach Thomas actually wasn't too bad today. I ran and lifted and hung out with Coach, which we all know he throughly enjoys. We rocked out to Martina McBride, a cd of the wrestling coach, which Nikkie and I found funny because he is a big burly scary manly man, but whatever. I didn't get lunch today but I didn't really care I wasn't hungry. Art again was spent on Andy Warhol that guy was one weird smart man. We attempted to practice outside today that didn't work out we were only out for about half an hour and it was cold. I was supposed to get Ryan to play this afternoon while Coach had practice but that didn't work out because Ry got in trouble, had lots of homework, and forgot part of it at school. He had a stellar afternoon, it was nice seeing him today though I miss those kids. Before dinner I went with Casie to babysit at a local church she works for, it was fun I like playing with little kids. Then after some nasty food I went over to Ashley and Sherry's to watch American Idol and hang out since once again I don't have class until 11:00 tomorrow, I know I am awesome.
Carrie Out
Carrie Out
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
Sports Illustrateds distract me. I brought two back from home and hid them in my bag so I wouldn't be tempted to read them...that lasted until today I already read one cover to cover and it is killing me to not read the second one. Okay so I already read Rick Reilly's column out of it but that's all, I am holding out to read it on the bus, hopefully. I didn't have class til 11:00 today and it was awesome, nothing like sleeping in. In celebration I even wore jeans to class the first time all year, everyone kept staring at me they definately were not used to it. This afternoon I went to the rec with some friends to work out and run before practice. I don't release enough energy in softball practice and I get hyper. My shoulder was a little looser today I have been getting heated and stretched before practice and icing three times after. I just want to be able to play like I can and not have my dumb arm hold me back. I keep having this feeling in the back of my mind like something is going to go wrong though. Like I am going to throw it out, or it's gonna lock, or get tendonitis again, maybe just because I haven't had too much problem with it this year. The first time since my junior year of high school. I really didn't do much after practice today, ate some dinner which was gross then watched American Idol. I also wrote my Education Interview paper which isn't even due until Thursday, I know I am an overachiever. We are supposed to attempt to go outside again tomorrow since today's plan failed, lets not bet on it.
Carrie Out
Carrie Out
So I didn't learn much today but that is fine by me. I found out this morning that I have a teacher interview and paper due by Thursday which came as a suprise, I obviously missed that topic. Luckily Coach Thomas felt like being nice to me today and let me interview him during class so I got that part done. He just loves any outlet to tell a story, dork. Art class went a little better today we learned some more about Andy Warhol which was interesting. We really wanted to go outside for softball practice today and begged Coach but he said no. My arm was sore so I had to go have it heated and stretched before practice which seemed to help. We spent practice doing the typical indoor stuff and singing songs at the top of our lungs because that is standard practice procedure. We are scheduled to practice outside tomorrow which is exciting. Food sucked again I settled for cereal and fruit with some Powerade to wash it down but I was still hungry. Solved that issue by walking to Jimmy Johns for a delightful sandwich, which I ate while watching Brown Sugar with Ashley, Sherry, and Brittany. It's 12:30 and I am still up and loving it...I don't have class until 11:00 tomorrow, spectacular!
Carrie Out
Carrie Out
Sunday, March 04, 2007
This weekend flew by. Saturday I went to the boys regional game, we thought it started at 2 but the game time had switched to 3. Let's just say we were nice and early and spent the extra time talking to Coach Thomas and hearing all his wonderful stories. Then I went home, well not really I went to Bloomington for some delicious Monical's pizza and to buy odds and ends I needed to leave on Friday. I spent the rest of the night just chilling, annoying my brothers, and playing with my dog. This morning Mom brought me back to school for softball practice. I am enjoying the change of pace and so far I haven't had too much shoulder pain which is a relief. Coach Andrews says it looks like I am throwing better and my shoulder looks looser...let's hope it stays that way. After that I went to dinner with Kaylee and Cassie which in keeping with the current trend was gross. I settled for some fruit and ceral and ate some Easy Mac in my room. The rest of the night I spent writing yet another art paper, this one on Andy Warhol, who was very talented but also very different. It was interesting research. Then it was my Sunday ritual of watching Brothers & Sisters which is a terrific show. Well I need to pack my backpack for tomorrow so I am gone.
Carrie Out
Carrie Out
Saturday, March 03, 2007
This has been a hectic week, I've felt like I was falling behind the whole time. Classes have been a struggle and so has paying attention. But I've made it and today was a better day. My classes went alright minus my art appreciation course the teacher is mad at our class because only a few of us do the work so he decided he is going to "block" our grades in at B's or C's no matter what. This I find unfair to those of us who actually did what is required but he said it is just a marker and if we do the work it can change. I really wanted to hit today but I couldn't find anyone to do it with me, I called everyone on the team to no avail. I called Coach Andrews back to see if I could just hit off the tee and he gave in and said he could run down for a half and hour and feed me since I was so determined. It feels good to have a bat back in my hands and I have actually been hitting decent, I got about 120 swings in today which felt nice. I didn't get my Friday lunch date with Coach Thomas today which was sad, he was busy, but we got in a few minutes of conversation. I know it's dumb that I miss him already but after seeing people everyday for six months believe me you get attached. All of the basketball girls have been seeking each other out just for a few minutes of talking, there are definately some withdrawls. I hardcore cleaned my room this afternoon and packed and cleaned my softball gear to leave next week. Tonight I hung out with Ashley, Sherry, Casie, and her friend. We watched AA girls basketball state and went to Steak n' Shake for a good hour. After that Ashley and I just drove around and talked for an hour or so. I enjoyed discussing life and just not having anywhere I needed to be. I think I am going home tomorrow since I don't have practice but I will be back Sunday.
Carrie Out
Carrie Out
Thursday, March 01, 2007
I couldn't not get to sleep last night, I just had a lot on my mind. I couldn't even get comfortable or think about falling asleep, it was a long night. Which wasn't good because I had a mid term test today. I think I did okay but I don't know. This week has just been draining, I am finding it hard to keep up. Today has been a long day. I took my test this morning then sat and talked things out with Ashley for about an hour before we went to lunch. We had to turn in our travel bags and winter coats today. I am definately missing my jacket, especially today in the random monsoon we encountered. It was weird cleaning out the locker room today just walking into it bare and quite, nothing on the walls, no music playing, nobody laughing. I am going to miss my teamates a lot I already do and I saw most of them todat it's just a big change we have seen each other at least two hours a day since September, talk about bonding. I miss Coach Thomas too I didn't see him at all today, but no fear we have a lunch date tomorrow. It's just going to be different that's all and I am not a huge fan of change. I went to softball practice tonight, their is much more drama and backstabbing there which I definately haven't been missing. I hit through three rounds in the cage and about five of soft toss I wasn't too far off. I was hitting all the balls maybe not as solid as I could but good contact, it felt nice. Let's see how nice it feels tomorrow.
Carrie Out
Carrie Out
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