Sunday, March 25, 2007

Man I slept good last night, apparently ten hours of bus riding wears you out good. I don't care the sleeping was nice. Spent this morning cleaning up my disastorus space I call a room. I collected all my clothes I had thrown all over the floor and cleaned everywhere, it looks clean...for now. Then I read and highlighted all my research for my english paper which I am once again turning in unfinished, these things take time especially for those who are ADD like me. After that I went and watched the boys play baseball and talked to the Michelle and the Finchum family until Mom came to get me. We went to see Clayton today I was soo excited. It was great to finally just get to hold him. I just sat there for about an hour just watching him move around and looking at him. I find it funny how adults are always talking about how babies are always staring around and observing but whenever they are holding babies they are doing the exact same thing. Still I am just amazed by how perfect babies are and how much you love them just because they exsist. He is so cute and was awake almost the whole time just moving around and looking at things, he is one strong baby. It was nice to see Josh and Sam too, they make me laugh, and their dog kept sitting right onto me. We also stopped by Lynn and Richards to visit shortly and so I could bother Rich, he knows he loves me its okay:) Well when I came back here the night has been dedicated to homework and laundry I know exciting but that's life, I already had enough fun in my day just going to see my baby Clayton:)

Carrie Out

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