Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Bye Bye Spring Break

Dear Spring Break where have you gone? Ahh the joys of an unscheduled week. I thought I would be bored I found plenty to entertain myself with and none of it involved school work. Although I really should have done some, I'll regret it later this week. Oh well for now I shall not. Stayed up late last night reveling in the last night of break. I played some 21 with Brent and Johnny then watched Yours, Mine, and Ours, the 1968 version, awesome. Slept in till 11:30 to celebrate my last morning of break. I don't have to teach this week because my kids are on Spring Break this week. Played with the dog ate some bread then packed up and came back to school. I dropped off my food in my fridge quickly then headed to class. We watched a documentary today my favorite, that class just kills me lately I welcomed the movie. After class I picked some of my stuff up then started some homework. My application to the Teachers Education Program is due this week and takes top priority I am a third of the way done, ha. Went to dinner with the sophomores at the cafeteria. I missed them and the rest of my teammates. We have a meeting tomorrow so we will reunite, exciting. I was at Shirk so I watched some of the girls and then boys Area All Stars games, they weren't to enthralling. Watched some Jon and Kate Plus 8 before Encounter, it wasn't as dramatic as it was built up to be. Encounter was good it was nice to see my friends. We are doing a sermon series on Hymnals tonight was "Be Thou My Vision," classic. Pete's mom gave part of the sermon which was neat. After service chatted up my friends and then had a solid heart to heart with Pete, he's a nice man. Now it is midnight and I must consider sleeping although I don't find myself to be tired.

Carrie Out

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