Thursday, April 23, 2009


I am writing an early one tonight. Got up this morning and headed to my Middle School final. It was just informal presentations of our IDU's and explaining our lesson plans. Went off without a hitch and we were all done in an hour. Then I headed to work. I couldn't bring myself to read my history for some reason. I read Sports Illustrated instead, that magazine has some kind of hold on me. After work I was going to get lunch but decided I wasn't hungry instead I just walked home. I remembered I had a bunch of message boards to complete by tomorrow so I spent about an hour getting them all finished up. Then I laid down for a few minutes, sleeping is not coming lately but the relaxing was nice. I picked up another shift at work today so I headed back out soon after. I grabbed some lunch from the DugOut on my way. This time I actually did homework at work. I breezed the first half of Alex Haley's biography on Malcolm X. I read it in High School but needed a refresher. I had grabbed a pita platter for lunch (veggies, hummus, and a pita). It is usually delicious but the hummus was disgusting today I couldn't eat it. I settled for the veggies a plain pita and a TLC bar. After work I walked back home I went over some more readings but wasn't too focused. Met the girls for dinner. There were some ducks in the quad on my way. A pretty mallard and a girl duck (what do you call that??). I love ducks, I often find myself gawking at them. I don't know why I find them so fascinating. Anyways I had vegetarian lasagna for dinner usually this means it's made with veggies, I think tonight's had tofu. It was strange I ate it anyways. Tonight I stumbled upon this amazing thing called SparkNotes and it saved me. I hadn't read much of what I needed for my history test and this website had all the information I needed in nice normal English. It is AWESOME! Packed my book bag and organized my things for the morning. I have 2 finals tomorrow. 2 Essay tests, 2 hours each, back to back, Eight to Noon. It's gonna be a rough one. But for now it's off to Bible Study.

Carrie Out

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