Monday, September 21, 2009


I am thinking of investing in a bee suit. These gnats around here are all kinds of crazy. You can't walk to class without attracting a thousand of them. They get in your eyes, nose, mouth, and hair, and they make your skin all kinds of itchy. All said I am not a fan. Made it to German class right on time today. I am not real sure what we discussed I was reveling in the fact that my paper was done. I grabbed some lunch with Karen and Amy although it was not very fulfilling. The next hour was spent reading "Up From Slavery," because I had a test on it in Old Man Rivers class. I don't know how I feel about the test. I spewed 6 pages worth of knowledge, I just hope it was the correct knowledge. I am feeling a little nervous because I finished with 30 minutes to spare, I don't remember how long it took me to take his tests last year. After class I layed around and finally felt like I could breathe after a crazy weekend and an insane Monday. I checked my schedule discovered I had no major projects or homework for the week so I used the hour before pick up to simply relax. It was nice. Pick up was a little out of control today. We had 17 players, it was like a small army. We played for two hours and it was hot. There were gnats all over the gym and dead all over the floor, gross. I grabbed a delicious wrap from the
DugOut and have spent the rest of my night chilling in front of the T.V. Now I should get dressed and ready to head to Encounter.

Carrie Out

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