Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Started the day off in Kindergarten and loved every minute of it. I was anxious to check it out this morning because I went on Friday afternoon and was a little let down. It's just that the kids do a lot of nothing all afternoon. This morning was a lot of fun. We did calander, weather, math centers, literature centers, a birthday book, and some word building. I love little kids. I was at the school for 3 hours then came back and grabbed lunch. A pita, hummus, and an orange, tasty. Then it was off to Old Man River's class. I spent my time drawing a picture of Kung-fu Panda. In my defense it was on some girls backpack in the classroom and well, it was taunting me:) He called me out to answer a question in class again. There are other kids he has had in class before in there and he never calls on them. Strange. After class I loaded up and headed home. It was a lovely day out I was rolling with the windows down and the stereo up, real nice. I played with the dog and fixed myself a tasty dinner....which I preceeded to scarf down. Still it was good. Headed to youth group. We had it in the park today because there was a visitation at the church. 65 K-8 kids it was organized chaos but we pulled it off and quiet well if I do say so myself. Talked to Lys for awhile about some position interviews at the church then stopped by home to grab my stuff and shower. The song stuck in my head all day? Sing Out by Cat Steven's check it here Tomorrow morning at 7:45 I go to the dentist to find out what to do with the half a tooth I am holding onto. Here's to hoping it goes well.

Carrie Out

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