Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Fee for Free

I woke up tired this morning. Probably because I wake up every two hours for some reason, it's awesome. Anyways off to science class where we learned all about lesson plans and suprisingly I payed attention. I came back to my room and hung out. My body was tired but I just couldn't take a nap. I met some teammates for lunch at 12. Beef brisket, mashed potatoes, green beans, and gravy. It was mighty tasty. I had an hour and a half before my next class so it was back to the room. I checked the mail and again was delighted to have some. I got about 4 more books I think I am only missing two, they will come soon. I read the paper and watched some tv before taking off to run some errands. I thought I had a bill due so I went to pay it. I was told I owe nothing right now because I had a credit on my account. I like that. Then I went to the registrars office to pick up some graduation papers. They confuse me I will have to have my advisor help me fill them out. Next I hit up the computer lab to print off some readings and assignments before class. Math class wasn't bad today. We played with manipulatives and the smart board the whole time. We measured each other with links and worked with geoboards, fun times. After class I changed clothes and headed home. Mom made me some frozen pizza and I played with Maddy for a while. We took our high school kids to Lincoln Christian University to see a Steve Fee concert. Fee is good and it was free so it was a good time had by all. You can check out a good Fee song here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uFUnk3mJcaQ . I went back home and showered and ate a snack then came back to dorm sweet dorm. Now to watch TV.

Carrie Out

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