Monday, September 28, 2009


I slept for 12 1/2 hours last night. Yeah crazy. I knew I was tired I just didn't know I was that tired. I rolled out of bed for class at 11 and was still not feeling well. My friend convinced me to call for a nurses appointment during class so I could be sure to get in today. I made it through class then headed to the cafeteria not hungry but knowing I had to eat something. I settled for some mac and cheese and orange juice. I laid down until my nurses appointment at 1:20. I tested negative for strep which I was quite certain I didn't have. She didn't come to any real conclusions just said that I wasn't to go to basketball for at least 24 hours and to consider myself contagious. I have all the signs and symptoms for H1N1 so she said that if I am not any better in 48 hours I need to go to urgent care. Here's to hoping I feel better. I went to Old Man Rivers class because here missing one class can get you really behind. I drifted through then came back and slept for 2 hours since I couldn't go to basketball. I decided on some vegetable chili and a banana for dinner, soft things are easy on the throat. Now I shall watch a little Big Bang Theory.

Carrie Out

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