Tuesday, October 03, 2006

All day my mind has been bouncing off the walls, it's the weirdest feeling. My body is worn and sore from basketball, but my mind is going a mile a minute. I can't relax, I can't focus, I couldn't even take a nap in the short gap between class and practice. I am struggling just to look at this screen and not be distracted. Somebody is bumping their stereo out on the street, that must hurt their ears. I have been fidling with my hands all day just moving them and twitching them so of the kids must think I am mental...no need for comment on that one. What I really need to be doing is trying to sleep, five thirty comes too early in the morning, but I just can't calm down enough. I haven't even had candy in almost two weeks so I know it's not sugar, I am just wired. I can see the reflection of my Toy Story poster in the mirror across the room, cool. The insides of my elbows hurt, must be from lots of passing. You know what tastes good, blue Mondo's, mmm liquid refreshment. My Mom just called looks like I am lacking a ride home tomorrow, hmm that should be fun since I have to be off campus for break by five at the latest. I need to get ahold of Michelle, I guess she is my only option to attempt to get home, too bad she didn't answer. Stuckage. Option two Alex, no answer. Option three Kaylee, it's a hit I have a ride, whooo. Hope you enjoyed the most random blog ever, won't be back till Monday.

Carrie Out

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