Monday, October 23, 2006

So I went out to eat at a real resturant for the first time tonight. I went to Rusty's with Ashley, Sherry, and their friend Cody. It was a nice change and a lot of fun, plus I ate steak which is always delicious! Nothing like skipping out on cafeteria food. This morning I didn't have to go to my first or second class because we had a speaker come talk to the honors students. It was Senator Bomke who I personally had never heard of before, probably since he doesn't represent my area. It was alright, but it got me out of class, he did make some comments about the governor I found amusing though. The best part was the free muffins and juice for breakfast. Still it caused me to miss a bio test since I am not in speech like all the other honors students. Oh well I have a free hour tomorrow morning I'll just have to go make it up, even if it does cut out my Tuesday nap. By the way I am freezing cold and sitting here in spongebob pants and my bright orange jacket, I know it is a beautiful image.Two spectacular things happend yesterday the Packers won, yeah for two victories, and the Cardinals lost just one of the many to come.

Carrie Out

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