Thursday, March 06, 2008


This may be long. I don't know yet, I'm just getting started. I went to Art class this morning and did nothing. Daryl and I share a supply locker, he had the keys and didn't come to class. The teacher didn't care he told me I could just chill. I did to no objection. Ran into Coach Thomas at lunch he was upset that I didn't go visit him yet. I told him it hadn't even been a full day yet he needed to be more patient. I once again got calls all day making fun of Brett Favre. He gave his press statement and cried, this brought others joy, jerks:) Religions class was exceptionally boring or maybe I was just doing an uber job of not paying attention. After class I sent transcripts to Illinois College. I also found out I should know about Wesleyan by the end of March. Next I had to go visit Coach Wilson, I wouldn't want her to go a day without me. We ended up in the locker room picking up. Soon it was a packed house. Chels, Ash, and Coach Thomas showed up. We spent a solid hour sitting around talking and laughing at each other. It was out of control conversation, but it was good bonding and apparently filled Tony's need to see me. The afternoon was filled with packing, I started and finished so proud. I even went and got my hair cut, I was getting a little shag. Ash and I had to go to Walmart so I could pick up some odds and ends but I think I am good now. Dinner followed, it was enjoyable we sat and talked to York. Then I met Mom and the boys to eat at Bonanza so I could see them before I left. It was sad saying goodbye to Kale I didn't show it but I was sad. I will miss him, luckily I spend a lot of the time he is gone at school so it won't seem so long. I love you Brother! Back at school I went over to Mary's for a bit to catch-up. The rest of the evening was spent at Boys Heritage playing 10000 with Ash, Nik, and York. I destroyed this time and only gloated a little bit. Tomorrow we fly out for Orlando, the plane scares me but I am excited. I don't know if I will have computer access for any updates so for now pray for safe travel and I will fill you all in when I get back.

Carrie Out

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