Saturday, March 01, 2008

I can't Focus

Ahh so I had an uneventful morning which is beautiful for me following the trends of past weeks:) Tutoring was good I helped do reading worksheets and clean desks, fun fun. Math class wasn't too bad I spent it talking to Jerred and Chelsea C. as usual. I did get a 10 page take home test though, killer. Guess what else I got today?? Texting! I know not a big deal to most people but kids here use it all the time, even my Coaches. Small group was even okay today we did perceptions and looked at these pictures with all these hidden things, very perplexing. I had lunch with Michelle, Nik, and OD so that was grandly. Then I went to psych where we watched the grossest eating disorder film ever. It was a Dr. Phil episode from this week where this girl was 28 and weighed 60 lbs purging up to 150 times a day. It made me nauseous. I had an Honor's Meeting next which we accomplished things in. Then I went around and helped Casie hang up fliers for our first project, collecting pop tabs for the Ronald McDonald house. Pre-Practice was a blast again we played kick ball with Ali and Ryan and just hung out. Practice itself was a little frustrating. My mind was racing again and I was just really distracted by everything I heard and unable to concentrate. I hate when I can't just bring it back in and get done what I want to. After practice Tony had baseball so I had Ryan for a little while, I love that kid. They are soo excited for sophomore day tomorrow it is really cute. Then I went to the play with Casie and Karen, it was good. Walmart with Ashley followed then I went and hung out in the boys dorm for a bit. We played a dice game called 10000 with York and Nick, and I had a win stolen out from under me. Now it is time for a shower in my bathroom with a burnt out light. Dark water...scary.

Carrie Out

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