Sunday, March 16, 2008

I'm Back!

I'm back...actually I got back on Friday night. Florida was awesomely amazing, I had so much fun. We stayed in a super nice hotel, the ballparks were lovely, and Disney World...come on it's Disney World. We ended up 9-2 and I randomly hit out 2 homeruns. I was so brave this trip I flew without tears and rode all the rides even the tower of terror. I had a blast, got a little burnt, but wish I was still soaking up the Florida sun. I have too many stories to even began to type on here, lets just say I was way out of control all week. Went home Friday night for some frozen pizza and free laundry, oh and I missed my dog. The next day Mom and I went grocery shopping hurray food! After a lovely steak dinner ala Justin I came back to school. The boys got in last night from Florida they had a rough week and ended up 3-4. Jerred can't play because of his knee and is hating it, I know the feeling. Today I got up to go and scrimmage recruits for Coach Wilson. I didn't know we were playing but it was okay. Who knew you could get out of shape so quickly, it was harsh. Coach Thomas came in to show around a recruit he was really excited to see us. I missed him even though I talked to him all break, haha. After scrimmaging we ate with the players then headed out. Ashley and I ended up with Ryan for the whole day we took him back about 8:00. We had fun chilling out watching basketball all day. Coach Wilson took Casie, Nikkie, Chels, Ash, Ryan, Ali and I out for dinner tonight. It was yummmy and a grandly time yeah bonding. The rest of the night was spent hanging out with Sherry and Ashley, oh the joys of no school. To bad it all starts again tomorrow.

Carrie Out

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