Saturday, September 09, 2006

Haven't done much of anything today and I am not complaining. I did take my first college test this morning, contemporary history, and I think I did pretty well. I am a dork and watch the history channel and read the paper a lot I guess that helps. Played some mean games of Sonic the Hedgehog today, I am awesome to put it lightly : ) It's been three weeks here and I keep thinking maybe I should start doing something productive but so far everytime I've thought about it I voted it down, vetoes are very powerfull. Oh I may have a job on campus now, it's a work study program for my softball coach. All I do is paint the fence and pretty much do field work, sounds alright to me. I think I work about 70 hours and make about 500$, that's enough to cover me for quite a while and I wouldn't want to cut too deep into my Nintendo time. Went and watched Brent play again tonight they lost, so did the varsity, this was a game they actually were thought to have a chance in, so much for that. We leave tomorrow morning for Champaign our team is playing th U of I club, it will probably be a long hot day, if it doesn't rain. Hopefully this time we don't get stuck on diseased bus, I don't think I could take catching tuberculosis, I hear it's pretty bad : )

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