Sunday, April 29, 2007

I went to church this morning the first time since Easter, which also means it was my first Sunday without a game since Easter. I really enjoyed it the contemporary worship is very nice. The sermon was on hurting which just again reminds me of the ways God works. I really liked the part on Psalm 56:8-You number my wanderings. You put my tears into your bottle. Aren`t they in your book? The tears are symbolic to the times. Mothers and family members who had sons and husbands away at war would keep a bottle around their necks and literally catch all the tears they cried out of missing their loved ones. Then when that person returned they would give them to them as a symbol of how much they missed them. I would like to think that up in heaven God has endless rooms of bottles and some have my name on them and he will show them to me and say "This is how much I missed, you this is how much I hurt when you hurt, this is how much I love you." I don't know I just thought hta was really cool. I spent the rest of my afternoon out watching the baseball games with Ashley and playing with Ryan. I also got two more of my papers done today only three more to go. I made a random trip to Clinton with Ashley to pick up some things she forgot at home, somedays I miss driving, especially nice summer days like today. We came back and watched Brothers & Sisters, oh that show is addicting. By the way I was chasing squirrels around again today and I saw this one with an all white tail it was awesome and not foaming at the mouth so I considered it rabies free:)

Carrie Out

1 comment:

Jim and Amy Rennie said...

Be careful of those squirrels--they always freaked me out at Eureka. They're so . . .I don't know. Scary!