Saturday, April 28, 2007

It was a nice day today but we didn't play, we didn't even practice. Fields were just too wet I guess but I liked having no obligations for the day. You can tell my classes are getting ready to wrap up there is just this feeling of frenzy trying to pack so much into so little. They have a whole semester to teach us I don't understand why some teachers wait until the last two weeks. We had Friday lunch date with Coach Thomas today we haven't had that for a few weeks and it was nice. I love that guy, even more now because he somehow got our game in Danville Sunday cancelled. I spent the afternoon drawing and listnening to music until Ashley got out of class. It was very relaxing. Then we went on a walk just to hang out and enjoy the nice weather. We went to Abe's and looked at all the neat stuff. We came back and played basketball for a while in the gym, mmm basketball. After a disgusting dinner I went on another walk with Kristi and a couple other kids. We ended up at Coach Andrew's house and sat out on the back patio with him and his wife for a good hour and a half talking and playing with his dog. Then we came back and watched a movie we rented called Facing the Giants. It is a true christian based story about a small town football team. the movie was completely made by the town. While the acting(since none were professionals) was a little rough the movie and it's message were still really good. Plus all the music was made by Third Day who are amazing so that was a nice touch. Nothing is impossible to God.

Carrie Out

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