Monday, April 02, 2007

Sometimes I forget that people can read the things I write on here. I find myself more using it as a tool to get out the days drama and excitement, and to clear my mind and organize my thoughts, more than for people to read. Oh well I guess it works both ways. Random thought: right now I am eating pretzels and Miracle Whip and it is good. Sooo today. Well classes went alright I actually got some work done on my paper, which I took an extension on so it isn't due until Thursday. Here is my issue: I find myself putting off things more and more everyday. Like tonight I had practice at two and then was done for the evening. But did I do any homework? No I shot for half an hour. Then I went to dinner for a really long time. I ate and then spent some time sitting and talking to a couple of the baseball boys who are really nice. After that I went on an hour walk. Still doing no homework I watched Friends and then the NCAA Championship in Ashleys room. I left at about 10:30 planning on coming back and showering...but once again I just didn't. I sat in the lobby talking to some of the girls for a good hour before I even came back to the room. Procrastination is the enemy. It is now 12:00 and I have accomplished little today but still throughly enjoyed myself, it's not like I have an overwhelming workload this week but still it would be nice if I just found the focus to get it done. I saw a new picture of Sawyer today, one where you could even see his face and I must say he is cute. I couldn't believe how little his hand was his whole palm was grasping onto Amy's fingertip. There is a lot of fight in that tiny boy.

Carrie Out

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