Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Teaching Lunch Ladies

Long day. I babysat from six-thirty this morning to five this afternoon. It wasn't bad just a bit draining. The more I babysit the more I feel for stay at home Mom's some people just don't understand how challenging it can be to wrangle kids all day. I am glad it didn't rain though so we could play outside. It is like four hundred degree's in the house. I think I am sweating just from typing. I ran on the treadmill again today. My foot didn't hurt as bad this time, I think it may be improving...fingers crossed. I just hate not doing anything that is explicitly exercise so my I always end up giving in to running even if it does cause a little pain. Also it is good for my hyperactivity helps me sleep better at night:) Spent the rest of the evening just hanging out watching American Idol and peeling grapes, it's great fun try it sometime. Another fun thing to do with grapes is cut them into the shapes of chromosomes and create a DNA map. I used to do this on my lunch tray at school. Sometimes I had alot of free time between classes and yes I am kinda a dork, but we all enjoyed it and I am sure the cafeteria workers loved the learning, haha.

Carrie Out

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