Sunday, October 05, 2008

Fall Retreat!

So I had a really good weekend. Fall retreat was awesome. On Friday night after work I was really debating going. I hate stepping out of my comfort zone. I was toying around with going late or not going at all. I decided I needed to suck it up and just go, I am so glad I did. I arrived right on time to get things started. I was nervous kinda hanging back Pete found me and pushed me right in. I like that he doesn't let me hide. The weekend was so much fun, the weather was beautiful, and for one of the first times since I've moved back to school I was genuinely happy. Friday night we played games, had service, worshipped, campfire service, and then hung out all night. Woke up Saturday for prayer time, breakfast, worship, service, and then a service project. We cleaned up Little Gallilee my job was to scrape spider webs and nests out of the boat house ceiling. The spiders were huge and nasty but we had fun. The afternoon was all free time and I actually made some friends which makes me happy. I played football with the guys and a few girls. They were amazed that I could play, I told them I was good. Then I went out on the paddle boats with my new friend Jodi we waded around and talked. I talked to Kelsey Coker and then Pete for a bit, then I played basketball with the Cocco kids, very cute. We then had a whole group Knock-outa-palooza, good times. Dinner, worship, service, campfire service, and more games followed. I learned to play this cool card mystery game called Mafia. It requires you to be able to lie, I wasn't so good. Then I played 4 on the couch, this I owned at my mind is a steel trap. I had a lot of fun meeting people and just hanging out. This morning we got up for breakfast, then we had baptisms in the freezing pond. Service, and communion followed. The day ended with camp cleanup. I ended up with some riders and all the Cocco's luggage on the way home. It was a great trip. After dropping off my companions and the luggage I went to work to be bored. Went home for my friends babies visitation, very very sad. I stopped through church before I came back, I miss my high schoolers. Now it is late and tommorow comes early.

Carrie Out

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