Tuesday, October 28, 2008


Today has been kinda meh, I think I just have a lot on my mind I am trying to sort out. Woke up this morning not wanting to get out of bed, definitely not wanting to go to chemistry. I set myself on cruise control and made it through class, not learning much. I got my quiz back and only missed 2, I thought I failed it, welcome relief. I was uber tired so I passed out for an hour before heading to work. My new work schedule causes me to miss lunch on Tuesdays, luckily I had some Easy Mac. While at work I played on facebook and emailed people, have I mentioned I love the new laptop? Off to creative writing where we discussed "A Million Tiny Pieces," and the morality of twisting things in memoirs, interesting. I personally don't care what Oprah thinks. Philosophy was boring per usual. I stayed awake and even answered some questions. Off to practice, the first half was game film. Coach made my birthday cupcakes today, they were tasty. I had to fight back laughing during film because Coach "coaches" us like it is an actual game going on right now yelling at the TV like that can make somebody do something right. Physical practice lasted an hour, it wasn't bad but tiring. Went to Justin's for dinner. Lemon-herb chicken, delicious. We watched "The Great Pumpkin," I love Charlie Brown, made me real excited for Christmas movies. Went to the campus house for our last minimester in this series. It wasn't as good as the rest, or maybe I just wasn't in the mood.

Carrie Out

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