Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Crunch Time

I wasn't allowed to run this morning, Coach made me sit out because of my leg. We found out at the trainer this afternoon that I sprained my left quad, although it feels a little better already today. I told Coach that I decided that this year I wasn't going to be dumb and I was actually going to sit out like I am supposed to, instead of being like last year and playing on a broken foot until I couldn't take it anymore and then having to be out for over a month. I think I shocked her:) I just decided that if I sit out sprinting this week then I hopefully will be ready when official season starts next week. I am still going to running tomorrow I just have to jog on the sidelines. After running which equaled me icing my leg this morning Ashley and I went to visit Coach Thomas. He was in a talkative mood this morning and we had a grand story time. Geography went alright today I got a 105% on my test so I guess that's swell. Then Ash and I went to help Coach Wilson sort practice clothes and set up the locker room for next week. I don't know what it is but basketball just gets me all excited. Softball practice was actually fun today we played the game game which is this scrimmage/soft toss game we made up good times. Then I went to 2 hours of boring study tables and did nothing even though I had homework. After that I caught the tailend of the volleyball game against Lincoln Land which meant I got to see Anna which was nice. The victory of tonight though was that I started and finished and entire literature paper for tomorrow in a little over an hour. Nothing like cramming when I have had the assignment since the first day of class.

Carrie Out