Tuesday, September 11, 2007


It's cold outside. Who knew that in the middle of September you'd need a coat and pants to go outside...crazy I tell ya. Tuesday lead to another fun filled day of class and learning, can't get enough learning. My Psych class actually wasn't too boring we had some interesting class discussion. We also had to watch the up close and personal birth of a baby, yummy. The lady was like petting the kids head as he was crowning, that part was a bit gross. After class it was off to visit my dear friend trainer Joe, I make new friends in there everyday. What can I say I am a regular, Coach refers to it as my second home. Practice was low key we did a lot of nothing and I was pretty much bored. When we got done I went and watched some of the boys baseball game, baseball games are too long to view in their entirety. Michelle, Nick, and Sue came out so I got to sit and talk to them for a while. Nick has gotten so big, walking and talking, I can't believe he's already 14 months old. Ran to dinner when I was done talking to them and it was scrumtrulescent. Turkey and the fixings mm mm good. At dinners conclusion I attend a match of the volleyball game. What can I say I support the campus activities. Tonight I was a little hyper. Played some Nintendo with the twins and Yahtzee with Kaylee, Kristi, and Carla. We got in trouble for being too loud, I am sorry but Yahtzee is a contact sport and we play for blood. Capped the night with a lovely trip to Walmart with Ashley nothing like some late night Walmart, I love to watch the creepies that come out.

Carrie Out

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