Thursday, November 29, 2007

Maker of the Snowflakes

I took two tests today. A literature test which cramped my hand but was easy and a computers test I was not so sure about. I lost my disk with all my notes on it somehow so I had to wing it. Oh well I will survive. I found out that I got a 98% on my psych test though which is awesome. I got out of each class early today and throughly enjoyed it everytime. Spent time in Coach Wilson's office after class that is until Creepy Finchum boy showed up and we ditched her. She was not appreciative of that:) Practice tonight wasn't bad, we didn't actually run any sprints now that I think of it. That is definately a first for this year. We as the sophomores spent a lot of time laughing and just kind of messing around while our freshman kept getting yelled at for not knowing plays and screwing up. I don't know I enjoyed it, it was nice to relax and enjoy playing. Coach Thomas was back to his crazy self today giving me a hard time all practice just like usual. Weird thing is though he got sick on the exact same trip last year after eating at the exact same place, should have learned. After a light dinner I met Chels in the lab and we did homework. I successly plotted and tracked 12 hurricanes for geography class, only 2 more to go. Then we met the twins Ben, and Alex to go hang out at Steak N' Shake. We had a lot of fun like always. Came back here and decorated Christmas ornaments for a tree we are putting up in the lobby. Everyone in our entire dorm, boys and girls, had to make one it was kinda cool and very Christmasy:) We also cut out snowflakes, I made a whole blizzard. I have a crazy talent for snow flakes.Tomorrow we are hanging everything up. Well it is already past my bedtime and I have a game tomorrow, so bye.

Carrie Out

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