Sunday, November 25, 2007

Practicing in the Arctic

Alright here goes the weekend round up. The wedding Saturday was very nice. It was a very pretty wedding and reception. It was nice to get to hang out with some old friends and just have fun dancing and talking. Creepy Finchum boy followed me around the whole time he was there but to my pleasure he left before the dancing started, so no slow dance:)I got to spend some time with Jay, Amber, and the girls too which I enjoyed. I haven't seen them much this year and it was good to catch up. We left the reception after one we helped clean up and tear everything down it was thrilling. I got to bed sometime after 2 and woke up at 8 this morning to go to church with Matt. I was tired but it was a good service and once again great to see friends from home. I then went to Sunday school because Toby was teaching and he wanted me to. I really miss him when I am at school. I told Matt goodbye went home and ate lunch then headed back here. I actually put away everything I took home which is a first for me, it usually sits on the floor for a while. Practice was alright, the gym was freezing cold, I swear I got frost bite. The heat definately was not on, but don't worry we did plenty of running to warm up...except not even that worked. After practice I walked with the twins to Jimmy Johns for dinner, yum yum. Night entertainment consisted of Brother's & Sister's at Mary's such a joyous occasion. Well I need to go catch up on some sleep so I am outskie!


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