Thursday, November 01, 2007

Pre-overnighter baby

I am attempting to go over my notes for a geography test is not working so well. My friends and Fresh Prince are distracting. Morning practice was non challenging just run throughs, breakfast was non good, and class was non interesting. I did get out 20 minutes early from psych though which was the most amazing gift ever. Coach Thomas was driving me nuts all day long. Everytime I would walk by he would ask me if I knew the plays yet. We were fighting about the difference between knowing and remembering something. At practice everytime I would do something right or wrong he was riding me. I then engaged in a highly entertaing back and forth dialog for about an hour with him during practice. Even when he's dumb he makes me smile. Practice was decent, our freshman are still struggling with the concept we like to call team, but hopefully this weekend will cause some progress. Ali and Ryan were pretty funny, they were loving us for some reason. I must have got 100 hugs today. They are so excited to go on the basketball trip tomorrow. I ate dinner with our freshman, I like them I just wish they could see what we see on the court. Then I came back here and chilled for a while accomplishing a lot of nothing and loving it. I walked to Jimmy John's with the twins when they got out of class and hung out. Softball was swimming too so I made a grand appearance there to see teamates:) We leave for a weekend trip to Freeport and Dixon. I love overnights so hopefully this turns out to be a fun weekend. I will be back Saturday night with an update.

Carrie Out

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