Sunday, February 10, 2008

Cleaning Day

It's 2:15 in the morning I should be in bed...but I am not. Got up at 7:30 this morning to go watch Ryan play basketball. I woke up hyper and full of energy, apparently Coach T and Ashley did as well. We had a good morning of bonding, pestering, and watching Ryan play. We came back to school and had to wait 2 hours for the caf to open so we could eat we were starving. I ended up camping out in there for an hour and a half talking to friends and just chilling. The afternoon was spent cleaning and I had a lot of cleaning to do. I also had to clean and put away three loads of laundry. A Walmart trip was next I needed to buy breakfast food and some more water but I also had a more important purchase to make. I was supposed to get the Aristocat's, I have only been waiting forever for it to come out. And for this I am upset Walmart had no copies of it left, I am so very sad, I wanted that movie lots. Dinner followed Walmart it was less than spectacular. Early evening was filled with more College Basketball I have been watching it all day. Then Chels called and I went with her to get milkshakes at Steak N' Shake. We came back to campus and sat with Ashley who was on duty. Our friends Craig and Kyle came over too and we spent a solid 5 hours or so just sitting around talking. I just got back in and by now I am definately tired.

Carrie Out

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