Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Danville Fun

Danville, ahh the joys of two hour bus rides. We just got back from the games. We lost by 30 or something. I played decent and had 10 points. It was a rush to the bus today, we got out of class at 1:50 and the bus left at 2. We made Coach would've left us anyway. Ryan got to come with us, he was way excited, we hadn't seen him in a week. He was our bus ride entertainment playing games and making us laugh. For dinner we enjoyed some KFC not my favorite, but still okay. The boys won their game after us and then it was back on the bus, fun fun. Not much talking on the way home, Coach Thomas has been sick so his storytelling is worn down for now. My ride was spent watching Batman (my favorite one with Jack Nicholson) with Ryan asleep on my lap. My leg fell asleep thanks to his heavy head, good thing I love him. My day outside of basketball hasn't been to exciting. I did catch up work with a kid at tutoring today. Math wasn't anything special. We discussed politics and smoking in Small group, both interesting. Lunch was spent with Nikkie and OD which was enjoyable. Psych was pretty boring just test review. My friend Jerred had knee surgery this morning and it went well, so that's good news, my classes without him are boring. My shower is calling my name.

Carrie Out

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