Saturday, January 06, 2007

Today has been pretty busy. We had a hardcore swimming/weights workout this morning. It wore me out but was still head over heels better than gym practice. Then we all went to Taco Bell for lunch which was delightful. Slipped in a short nap then went back to gym practice. Lots of running scrimmaging and jump roping good times. We ended up eating dinner at Guzzardo's a nice Italianish place downtown. Jay and Amber had called earlier to see if I wanted to eat dinner with them there so we ran into them at the resturant. Coach Thomas and Jay had a grand time making fun of me. Dinner was nice and a lot of fun but I don't think they'll be taking us to another not fast food restaurant soon. Finchums came and got me after dinner and I spent the rest of the evening there playing with the girls and having Amber highlight my hair. It didn't turn out how we wanted but oh well we can't do anything about it now,haha. I just got back from the twins room we were making signs for Ryan(Coach Thomas' son) basketball game tomorrow. The whole team is going to watch him as a surprise, he has no idea he thinks we have practice, it should be fun.

Carrie Out

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