Sunday, April 13, 2008


Our game was cancelled today, I was relieved it's too cold and I just wasn't in the mood. Got up nice and late and went to meet Ash and Nik for brunch. I sat and talked to Jerred for a little bit catching up on the night. Then I went to the gym. It was spirit week this week (since we don't have a homecoming) and there was a 3-on-3 tourney in the gym. Ashley and the twins played and had to be there because they are RA's, it was entertaining. I spent most of my time chilling out with the Thomas family, they always make me smile. Tony was being dumb making me dance with him,I think he would be more embarassing if I didn't love him:) Came back to my room and slept for awhile more. Ever since I began taking this dumb medicine for my arm again I have been worn out. This afternoon was spent hanging out with Gabby watching movies and listening to music. We had a "grill out" dinner in the cafeteria it was not good. We ate broccoli and these tasty cupcakes. The rest of the night was spent hanging out with Cas and Nik watching Enchanted. It was a very good movie, I throughly enjoyed myself. Now I am beat and need to shower. I have a busy day tomorrow game or no game so rest is required.

Carrie Out

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