Tuesday, April 01, 2008

It's April, Fool

Who needs structured writing, I personally enjoy the offbeat. On the subject of writing I finished my paper and spent most of the evening in the library researching for the other one due Tuesday. I got a phone today, who knew one could be so lost without one. We as a whole are way dependant on technology. But hey if you got it might as well use it. Art class was good there is just something about drawing that calms you and I could really use some calming down. Lunch was a nice time spent talking with Stoltzy and Ashley he was in a chipper mood. I went to religions class for the first and probably last time in forever. We watched some interesting interviews of George Lucas and Joseph Campbell. Practice was pretty boring we did hitting stations. I am really in need of some nice spring weather so if you see any send it my way. Mom came down and brought me a phone we went to Aldi's she thinks the reason I keep losing things is because I am distracted by a boy. She is way wrong, you would think she would know by now that I am distracted by life. I went over and visited Ashley and Casie tonight we played a game called Dirty Minds, it was funny and highly entertaining. I need to sleep even though I am not tired my body requires it of me.

Carrie Out

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