Sunday, April 20, 2008

Sleep mmmm

My game was cancelled today, not really sure why it turned out to be a glorious day. But hey no game meant lots of sleep. I got up nice and late for brunch, it wasn't good but I enjoyed talking to my friends. The afternoon was spent doing laundry and cleaning my room. I also attempted but completed very little homework. I slept some more too, I get tired okay. Casie called me late afternoon to go shopping downtown with her just for something to do. We looked for dresses to wear to graduation/Kristi's wedding. She made me try on a half a billion, I couldn't find one I liked. Then we went to dinner it was gross so we settled on Jimmy Johns, yummy. After dinner I slept some more it was neccessary and then got up to go hang out with Ashley. Neil came over again. We went to the gas station and some creepy guy was wandering the back street with a snow shovel. No fear we survived got what we wanted and had some informative discussion. We chilled with Ash for quite a bit then both peaced out since we have games tomorrow. Well I was going to go to sleep but Gabby was out when I got back so I ended up talking to her for awhile. Now I really need to shower and sleep some more. We are supposed to play in Godfrey tomorrow.

Carrie Out

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