Tuesday, April 08, 2008


I skipped class this morning because of our bus time, it was glorious. Instead Ashley and I decided to go see Coach Thomas this morning and end whatever has been going on. Finally we got a few answers and we had a nice hour of talking and hanging out with him. He was being surprisingly nice to me and telling me that I was going to do great at Wesleyan and needed to stop worrying, because I am a smart kid and he knows I will rise to the challenge. That was encouraging to hear. That was the end of the kindness we then had a wrestling match and I lost like always, but it was good to see him happy and goofing around. That is the Tony I love. Then it was off to the bus, we went to Danville. We won our first game 11-2 in five innings. I was 2-3 with 2 RBI's and 2 stolen bases. The second game I started in left I made 2 really good catches. I came out in the 4th inning and Coach put in all the players who aren't very good. We ended up losing somehow in the most frustrating game I have ever watched. Coach was livid after the game I have never heard our bus that silent. After dinner things loosened up a bit and it was better, but that game was ridiculously ugly. Came back here and boarded the homework train. It has been a long ride and I am ready to get off.

Carrie Out

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