Sunday, October 07, 2007

Finally a Win

Okay so at this exact moment there is a mouse running around our ceiling tiles and I am freaking out a bit....I HATE mice. Quick recap of life so I can get away from mouseland. Yesterday, well the day was spent chilling pretty much. I hung with Brent for awhile, cleaned my car, went to the bank, and played with the dog. Pretty exciting. Then I went to Brent's Homecoming football game. Lys and Ryker came so I sat with them for the first half. Five year olds are funny. Then Matty and some of the boys from highschool came so I spent some time getting caught up with them. But the most exciting part of the night was that we WON! First time in 30 games we haven't won since my sophmore year of highschool good stuff. Brent played well and every one was really happy for them. I slept in late again today, awesome. We mowed the lawn, I push mowed riding mowers make me nervous, plus pushing is good excercise. Then I helped Brent get ready for Homecoming which he decided to go to at the last minute. Good thing Kale has a steady stock of every dress shirt and tie known to man. I made him wear blank pants with a bright pink shirt and black tie. I also spiked up his blonde mowhawk for him, such a dork. Tonight Mom and I ran to Bloomington I needed some things for school that I can't get in Lincoln. I hadn't been shopping in a long time it was nice. Then we came back here and chilled in the hot tub. This kind of bores me so I just move around in it the whole time, oh well it felt nice. The mouse just jumped I need to leave.

Carrie Out

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