Monday, October 01, 2007

Tired Time

Ahh the joys of another relaxing day. I didn't have to get up until 9:30 this morning the sleep was appreciated. After class I met Ashley and we went to hang up some signs in the locker room and get everything organized for practice. Then we had a lunch date with Coach Thomas, it was a good time. He kept telling us he could only be oure friend for a few more hours because once season starts we're done, dork. We shot around in the gym for awhile then ended up back in the lunch room for some entertaining conversation with Stoltzy, funny guy. We got in a debate over why the Bears suck and Brett Favre is awesome. I then stopped by Bridgette's office and of course stole some Skittles.Then I came back to my room and slept for two hours. My cold wiped me out this afternoon. I got up at 3 to turn in my softball uniform and have an end of fall season meeting, it was thrilling. I got my workstudy check today too that was pretty sweet. Then I slept some more, good times. I woke up in time to eat a bowl of cereal for dinner before practice, dang bird flu has taken my appetite. Practice wasn't too bad, I can't participate in the sprinting but did pretty much everything else. Coach Thomas was running his mouth the whole time it was funny, Coach Wilson was pretty hyped up too. Well it kinda wore me out but not too bad. I came back here to ice and have some Peanut Butter Captain Crunch, mmm. Now it's time for a shower. I have 5:30 practice tomorrow morning talk about a party, bed is calling.

Carrie Out

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